Here at Emeralds Little Gems Daycare we aim to provide a healthy balanced diet where Meals and snacks are varied and nutritious based on a 4-week menu which are displayed in nursery and available on request.
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All meals and snacks are prepared and cooked within the Nursery and we use fresh fruit and vegetables throughout our menus. We take great care in planning our menus to ensure good nutrition, child appeal and choice.
Depending upon the time your child is with us and your wishes, they will always have the opportunity to join in at breakfast, morning snack, lunch and teatime.
We have a positive and welcoming eating environment, to encourage children to eat well, develop good eating habits and social skills. The dining areas are kept clean, warm and bright, and we have furniture, plates and cutlery suitable for young children.
Mealtimes are social times when staff and children join together. We use meal and snack times as an opportunity to talk to children about healthy eating, to act as positive role models and to help children to develop good eating habits and social skills.graph
We encourage children to be independent in their serving and eating, also encouraging children to try new foods and we give them enough time to finish their meals and snacks. For our young babies we will continue your pattern of feeding and weaning as closely as possible. We have facilities to store both breast and formula milk.
We cater for the dietary requirements and preferences of all children wherever possible. This means we work with families to make sure that any special dietary requirements, including food allergies and intolerances are accommodated, and that children of all cultures and religions can enjoy appropriate meals and snacks. Fresh drinking water will be constantly available and frequently offered to children and babies.